Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

SEM is generally used to study topography, morphology and local chemical and phase composition on the scale of nanometers to millimeters. SEM is also used to study crystallographic relationships including texture, boundary character, strain and deformation mechanisms through electron diffraction. SEM can also be used for spectroscopic study of electron beam induced light emission (cathodoluminescence) of materials at room and liquid helium temperature. SEMs at MRL include a high resolution cold field emission SEM, an analytical Schottky source SEM equipped with EDS, EBSD, CL, ECCI, and a helium cold stage, and two low vacuum general purpose SEMs equipped with EDS.

SEM Equipment

Equipment Name Contact Location
Equipment Name Contact Location
JEOL JSM-6060LV Low-Vacuum SEM
  • Jade Wang zyw
0021 Supercon

The JSM-6060LV is a general purpose high-performance scanning electron microscope with excellent secondary electron imaging and backscattered electron Imaging resolution.

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Hitachi S-4800 High Resolution SEM
  • Ying He yinghe2
  • Rajen Basu rnb6
0013 Supercon

As of November 2021, the Hitachi S4800 now has powerful EDS capability with the installation of Oxford’s Ultim Max 100mm2 large area silicon drift detector.  It allows video rate electron and chemical imaging in real time with live tracing features to remember where you already looked and what elements were located there.

The Hitachi S-4800 SEM features: - High Resolution Low Voltage imaging - Beam deceleration (ultra-low landing voltages (100-500 V) for shallow surface topography) - Controlled signal mixing (combination of secondary electron and back scattered electron) - Pure BSE imaging at low voltages

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JEOL 7000F Analytical SEM
  • Jade Wang zyw
  • Changqiang Chen cqchen
0020 Supercon

The JSM-7000F SEM offers very high resolution, a multi-purpose specimen chamber, a motorized automated specimen stage, one-action specimen exchange, and ideal analytical geometry with large probe current at small probe diameter to meet the needs for high performance characterization of nanostructures using techniques including EDS, WDS, EBSD, and CL.

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ThermoFisher Axia ChemiSEM
  • Jade Wang zyw
  • Ying He yinghe2
0018 Supercon

The Axia ChemiSEM is a new generation of scanning electron microscope, designed to provide the most efficient SEM-EDS user experience possible. Low-vacuum mode will provide several advantages when dealing with non-conductive samples; not only does it enable charge-free imaging, but it also allows an increase in the material contrast and the use of higher beam currents to perform chemical analyses.

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